D.O.T. is a concentrated soluble Micronutrient Fertiliser for use in agricultural crops. It is mainly used as a spray to the soil or to the foliage, but it is also widely used in liquid fertilisers and in nutrients feeds. DOT dissolves quickly and is easy to handle. It is readily absorbed through the foliage or by the roots and it provides a rapid, convenient and efficient method of correcting boron deficiency in crops. Crops in which DOT is regularly used include: Field crops: sugar beet, sunflowers, oilseed rape, maize, cotton, Lucerne Tree crops: apples, vines, olives, coffee. Vegetables: carrots, celery, cauliflower, red beet.
Replaces Borax where an alkali borate is needed but Sodium Salt cannot be used. As a source of more soluble form of Boron since it is more soluble when compared with the corresponding sodium salt at ordinary temperature. As a constituent of special welding fluxes. As a component of diazotype developer solutions. As a lubricating oil additives. As a buffering agent since its water solution has relatively a constant pH.